享读宝 分级读本系列 第六级 (1套8本) Xiang Du Bao Graded Readers Series Level 6 (Set of 8 titles)

XDB Graded Readers Series Level 6 (Set of 8 titles)

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Embark on quests and journeys around our Lion City with the characters from the stories in Level 6 graded readers!

Suitable for age 9+. Complete set of 8 readers. 

Neatly packed in a sturdy storage box, available for a limited period, while stock last!

Like any graded reader, Xiang Du Bao is designed and graded for vocabulary and word count, to make reading the book an enjoyable journey. What makes reading XDB more pleasurable is that every page of the reader is illustrated, in colour! Every story is an original work developed by Associate Professor Sin Joo Ee, the expert in training Chinese Language teachers to teach Chinese the way we love the language! You will acquire new words naturally and seamlessly. You will not simply read but will actively read each story as you immerse in engaging and meaningful moments related by a main character of your age. Post-reading activities keep children engaged in the stories. Come, read with Xiang Du Bao! You will love Chinese more!

Xiang Du Bao Graded Readers Series is the first and only Chinese graded readers series supported by the Lee Kuan Yew Fund for Bilingualism. Stories in this series of 48 graded readers are developed for children aged 5 to 10 and connect easily with children and are imbued with aesthetics of the Chinese Language for them to enjoy and appreciate. Each reading level is colour banded to guide progression through Levels 1 to 6.

Per book:32 pages, 148 mm x 210 mm"







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