Xiang Du Bao Graded Readers Series《享读宝》分级读本系列
由陈博士为5 岁至10 岁的孩童悉心编写的《享读宝》分级读本系列是获得李光耀双语基金支持的首套华文分级读本系列。
《享读宝》分级读物富有本土特色。 故事取材于孩童熟悉的日常生活,让孩童在阅读时,有如身历其境。
《享读宝》分级读本系列共分六级,适合5 岁至10 岁的孩童阅读。每个阅读级别都有不同的颜色标记,逐步引导孩子从第一级进阶到第六级。
幼儿级系列的读本 (第一级和第二级)适用于5 岁至6 岁的孩童。这两个级别的读本中附有“认一认”和“读一读”的贴纸活动,可反复贴的贴纸,一撕一贴,让孩童认读字词的过程更有趣。读本中还可以扫描二维码,通过应用程序“Let’s Read”来听故事。
小学级系列的读本(第三至第六级)适合7 岁至10 岁的小学生阅读。《享读宝》旨在培养孩子对阅读的浓厚兴趣,丰富他们的词汇,并增强他们对华文的喜爱。
Xiang Du Bao Graded Readers Series《享读宝》分级读本系列 is the first and only Chinese graded readers series supported by the Lee Kuan Yew Fund for Bilingualism. This series of graded readers are developed for children aged 5 to 10 by author and early childhood consultant Associate Professor Sin Joo Ee, Head of Master and Bachelor of Early Childhood Education (Chinese) Programmes in Singapore University of Social Sciences (SUSS).
To meet the need for a pedagogically strong literacy program suitable for our local Chinese Language learners, Dr Sin meticulously devised Xiang Du Bao which aims to nurture children’s genuine love for reading and foster fondness for the Chinese Language.
Learning Mother Tongue Language is not just about the mastery of a language. Didactic method to literacy focusing heavily on word list and repetitions does not encourage children to read. A prominent feature of Xiang Du Bao Graded Readers Series is its emphasis on aesthetics of Chinese literature which is infused in the unique writing style of the stories.
What’s in the graded readers series?
Xiang Du Bao Graded Readers for Kindergarteners
Join Qi Qi and Yang Yang in their joyful everyday experiences through Xiang Du Bao Graded Readers Series Level 1 and 2 for kindergarteners! Each level consists of 8 readers which are recommended for kindergarteners age 5 and 6. Stories connect children to familiar themes “Me” and “Growing Up” through the joyful experience of two adorable characters, Qi Qi and Yang Yang, charmingly illustrated by local well-loved illustrator, Eliz Ong.
Children will enjoy the post-reading activities with reusable stickers included in each reader for hands-on experience to play and learn repeatedly.
All 16 readers for kindergarteners are supported with audio recordings via ChildEd Let’s Read App. Voiced personally by Dr Sin, children will not only enjoy reading along with Qi Qi and Yang Yang but also appreciate and benefit from her articulation.
Each level comes with a teacher resource book (sold separately) which provides detailed teaching plans and ideas and photocopiable activity sheets. Teachers may choose activities to carry out in the classroom where Xiang Du Bao complements the curriculum or is being adopted as a core literacy program.
Xiang Du Bao Graded Readers for Primary Levels
Get hooked on reading Xiang Du Bao Graded Readers Series for primary school children! From stories about family and school to neighbourhood and our diverse community, Xiang Du Bao Graded Readers Level 3 to 6 have it all!
Children will be immersed in the engaging stories in each reading level, opening up their world to different themes and story plots that they will love to follow.
Each level consists of 8 readers which are recommended for children age 7 to 10.
Stories are carefully levelled by vocabulary and word count to suit the reading ability and developmental stage of Primary 1 to 4 school children, while weaving in relatable storylines and characters within settings close to home.
Filled with many beautifully-rendered illustrations of varied styles, they keep the reading experience visually refreshing and appealing for young readers at every stage.
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